Archives for

Addiction Treatment

Easy Access Makes Prescription Painkillers Drug Of Choice

Prescription drugs are quickly becoming the drug of choice among young adults partly because they are easy to get a hold of partly because of the increasing potency of the them.

Who Says Marijuana isn’t Dangerous?

Skunk marijuana in the southeast is becoming so strong it is not being classified as a class B drug leaving many who abuse the potent marijuana seeking out professional help through addiction treatment.

Dealing with Opiate Addiction in Grand Rapids, Michigan

In Grand Rapids, Michigan so many people are in need of drug rehab for opiate addiction that it is putting a strain on the budget that the state had allocated to help individuals overcome addiction

Methadone Treatment Can Open Up Another Can of Worms

An individual trying to “kick” an opiate addiction with the use of Methadone is a story that is becoming more and more common. The problem is that Methadone is just as addictive and can lead to the same consequences as any other drug.

In Maine OxyContin Abuse Bites As Hard As The Lobster Do

Maine has a reputation for their lip licking lobster. Unfortunately that reputation is quickly being preceded by the by the epidemic they are having with OxyContin addiction.

Heroin Use On The Rise In Erie, Pennsylvania Area

Heroin Use On The Rise In Erie, Pennsylvania Area In the Erie region of Pennsylvania heroin abuse is once again on the rise. Packages that consist of one dose of heroin are now being sold between $20-$35. Experts report that younger people are now becoming more involved with the distribution and use of heroin.  In

Texas Puts Ban on K2 and Other Addictive Drugs Found in Public Places

The Texas Department of State Health Services announced that they are banning K2 and Spice, two products which provide similar effects to marijuana.

Painkillers Addiction Literally Killing In Portsmouth, Ohio

In Portsmouth, Ohio addiction to prescription drugs has grown so rapidly that amount of deaths caused by overdose has exceeded the number of deaths caused by car accidents. The state of Ohio as well as the Obama administration are in the process of taking actions to help those addicted to prescription medication and help get control of the growing problem.

Sen. Charles Schumer Fighting Western, New York Prescription Addiction

Western, New York is experiencing an epidemic with prescription drugs. Sen. Charles Schlumer is in the process of taking steps to try to control the amount of prescription drug abuse that is occurring in Western, New York. He is trying to enforce laws with stricter penalties to those caught illegally distributing painkillers.

Brooke Mueller Is Living Proof of How Powerful Addiction Is

Signs are showing that Brooke Mueller has relapsed again. Despite everything she may lose including her children Mueller seems unable to remain abstinent from drugs and alcohol. In order to overcome addiction she may need to re-enter into the safe and supportive environment offered by an addiction treatment program.