Easy Access Makes Prescription Painkillers Drug Of Choice
Prescription drugs are quickly becoming the drug of choice for young adults and teenagers. The reason being is that for many young adults’ prescription pills are the easiest drugs to get their hands in. It can be as simple as going into a medicine cabinet of a family member or friend. Prescription drugs like Xanax and OxyContin commonly lead to drugs like heroin. The switch from prescription drugs to illegal street drugs like heroin usually happens because the cost of prescription painkillers becomes too expensive. The federal Center for Disease Control states that 60 percent of individuals who are addicted to prescription medication begin abusing drugs at the age 15. Prescription drugs are becoming easier for suffering addicts to get their hands on as they can be obtained online. It does not take long for an individual who is abuses prescription drugs such OxyContin and Xanax to physically need them in order to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms. With addiction a point is reached where the addict will not even get “high” from the drugs but instead just need the drug so that they can function and avoid withdrawal symptoms. Many individuals do not feel that they have an addiction to prescription painkillers because they are prescribed by medical professionals. Addiction to prescription drugs can even happen to those who legitimately need the medication. They start to take their medication as prescribed and then slowly start to increase the dosage on their own and eventually find themselves caught in addiction. Without professional help addiction can easily lead to a drama filled life of lying and deception and a person doing things they never thought they would just to get more drugs. It often leads to a life of crime and time spent in jail. Addiction treatment has been able to help many people to become free of chemical dependency and live a happy, productive life.