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What is Addiction?

Addiction covers a wide spectrum. Some people perceive addiction as a voluntary lack of discipline while others view it as an involuntary physical condition. So what is addiction? Well, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry. It’s important to…

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How Can I Help Someone Who Is Going Through Withdrawal?

Withdrawal can undoubtedly be the ugliest part of the addiction and recovery cycle. It can be emotionally and physically excruciating for the individual experiencing it. However, even for loved ones, it can be just as challenging and heartbreaking to watch. Fortunately, most withdrawal processes are not life-threatening. With appropriate supervision and monitoring, peak symptoms often…

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How Fast Can You Get Addicted To Heroin?

America has a devastating opioid problem, and heroin rates continue to rise every year, with about a million people using it in the past year. Heroin, of course, has its distinct, life-threatening risks. Every use results in potentially fatal consequences. Furthermore, as more and more drug dealers lace heroin with harder, cheaper substances like fentanyl,…

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