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Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) at Stepping Stone

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is currently utilized as an integral part of our therapeutic treatment program.

What is Medication Assisted Treatment?

MAT is the use of medications in order to reduce drug craving, reduce the intoxicating effects of drug use and to reduce the risk of relapse. Using this definition, a variety of medications, both non-controlled and controlled would be considered Medication Assisted Treatment.


Determining the Use of MAT

Upon admission to Stepping Stone Center for Recovery, you’ll undergo a panel of evaluations and assessments conducted by licensed medical and psychiatry staff. The assessment will help our medical team determine if you are a good candidate for MAT and which medication is the correct choice for your specific needs. Part of your aftercare plan will include scheduled follow up appointments with licensed clinicians to ensure continued monitoring and treatment.

Opioid Use Disorder and MAT

The use of MAT is generally associated with opioid agonists (medications that stimulate opioid receptors in the brain) to treat patients with Opioid Use Disorder. Medications such as Suboxone and Buprenorphine are examples of MAT used to treat Opioid Use Disorder. As appropriate, if you are diagnosed with an Opioid Use Disorder you may be started on Suboxone/Buprenorphine or be maintained on the correct dosage of Suboxone/Buprenorphine if you are already benefitting from this treatment.

Some medications are used to block the reinforcing effects of opioids, such as Naltrexone and Naloxone. Naltrexone is one example of Medication Assisted Treatment that is used within the therapeutic treatment program at Stepping Stone Center for Recovery.

Co-occurring Disorders and MAT

Medications used to treat co-occurring mental disorders are considered MAT. To reduce self-medication and reduce the risk of relapse, we may use antidepressant medications to treat depressive and anxiety disorders, mood stabilizers to treat Bipolar Disorder and antipsychotic medications to treat psychotic disorders. These medications have no abuse potential. Our outcomes data proves that the use of these medications significantly reduces depressive and anxiety symptoms in people attending our programs.

Alcohol and MAT

Medications used to reduce alcohol craving and reduce the risk of relapse include Naltrexone and Campral. Other medications can reduce the positive reinforcing effects of alcohol such as Antabuse. All these medications have no abuse potential. These medications are utilized on an individual basis at Stepping Stone.

Stimulant Drugs and MAT

Medication, including the antidepressant Wellbutrin, may be used to reduce stimulant drug craving (cocaine, methamphetamine, Ritalin, Adderall) and reduce the risk of relapse. Wellbutrin is utilized on an individual basis.

Individualized Use of MAT

A variety of medications exist that are considered MAT. The choice to use MAT includes various factors and is made on an individual basis. These factors include the patient’s diagnosis, relapse history, prior failures of psychosocial treatments, co-occurring mental disorders, the ability to pay for medication treatment, and willingness to comply with treatment.

The Stepping Stone Center for Recovery treatment team will work with you to determine what is appropriate for you and your individual needs.

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