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Tag: heroin

What Are the Most Addictive Drugs?

Drug addiction, whatever its form, is a serious condition that requires professional treatment. However, many people are curious to know which drugs are the most addictive. Although no two individuals or their addictions are alike, there are certainly some addictive drugs that have a stronger hold on their users than others. Crack Cocaine Arguably the…

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Orange County mayor addresses heroin epidemic

The heroin epidemic is slamming hard into Florida. The overdose deaths of 84 Orange County residents in 2015 motivated Mayor Teresa Jacobs to testify on Capitol Hill. She talked about the wide reach of the opiate problem and how it’s affecting her constituents, citing the shocking fact that there are only 30 detox treatment beds…

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Heroin is Deadly, Accessible and Extremely Cheap

The opiate addiction curse is wreaking havoc on people’s lives throughout the United States. Despite reports confirming the death toll from the use of heroin and related drugs, people continue to use it. People who aren’t addicted often wonder why someone would continue to use heroin even though the risks are well known. The answer…

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Sen. Charles Schumer Fighting Western, New York Prescription Addiction

Western, New York is experiencing an epidemic with prescription drugs. Sen. Charles Schlumer is in the process of taking steps to try to control the amount of prescription drug abuse that is occurring in Western, New York. He is trying to enforce laws with stricter penalties to those caught illegally distributing painkillers.

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