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Tag: cocaine

What Are the Most Addictive Drugs?

Drug addiction, whatever its form, is a serious condition that requires professional treatment. However, many people are curious to know which drugs are the most addictive. Although no two individuals or their addictions are alike, there are certainly some addictive drugs that have a stronger hold on their users than others. Crack Cocaine Arguably the…

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One More Reason Not to Use Cocaine

As if cocaine wasn’t bad enough now it can cause a condition called purpura which are areas of dead skin that are crusty, purplish in color, extremely painful and capable of causing bad infections. The reason why cocaine is causing purpura is that it is commonly contaminated with levamisole, a de-worming drug that is used…

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Doctors Don’t Know Everything about Pain Pills

Without hep moderating prescription drugs addiction can settle in very fast. Most who suffer from chronic pain end up going to see a primary care physician and get prescribed some sort of prescription medication to alleviate their pain. If not watched closely prescription medication can quickly turn into an addiction.

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