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An Old Drug May Serve A New Purpose For Cocaine Addiction

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An Old Drug May Serve A New Purpose For Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction has brought countless people to their knees leaving them broke, homeless, without their families and literally begging for mercy. A new treatment for those who struggle with cocaine addiction is in testing and thus far it is proving to have positive results. The drug known as propanolo is already used to help those with high blood pressure. It has been tested on rats and effects the same reward system in an individual’s anatomy that cocaine does. The main objective of this study is to find the level of propanolo that will affect the mind of a person that is caught in the grips of cocaine addiction.  The hope is that the studies will prove that propanolo will have positive effects on the mind of people who are trying to recover from cocaine abuse. Addiction treatment is a proven and effective way to help people overcome their addiction to cocaine. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is both physiological and psychological and quality addiction treatment will address both aspects. It is a common mistake for individuals trying to recover from addiction to think that they are going to be okay after they get through the physiological side of addiction. In order to gain long term recovery from addiction it is pertinent to address the psychological side of addiction. Cravings for drugs can be incredibly strong to say the least. If an individual does not have the tools that are taught in addiction treatment then the likelihood that they will be able to overcome a cocaine addiction permanently is going to be very slim.

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