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From the Medicine Cabinet To Heroin Addiction

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From the Medicine Cabinet To Heroin Addiction

How many times have you heard the story of the curious teenager or young adult going into their parent’s medicine cabinet and finding an opiate whether it be OxyContin, vicodin, Percocet or some other prescription pain medication only to find themselves addicted shortly after. Addiction can happen in the blink of an eye. Prescription drug  addiction to say the least is a very expensive and exhausting addiction to maintain. For example, one pill of OxyContin can cost forty dollars or more. Eventually funds start to run low and the addict has to look for alternative ways to support their drug habit. For the amount of money that it costs to buy one OxyContin on the street the addict can buy ten or more doses of heroin. Heroin addiction is starting to become more prevalent for that reason alone. It is a cheaper and often times easier drug for someone to get their hands on then prescription pain medication. The young adults who are becoming hooked on heroin are not your stereotypical drug addict. These are not young adults who come from broken homes and are left homeless. They are young men and women from good homes who had every advantage given to them. Addiction does not discriminate and anyone is susceptible to it.  Once hooked on heroin or any other drug including alcohol it is going to be very difficult if not impossible to stop without the professional help that is received at addiction treatment. Addiction can leave someone feeling helpless and desperate. It is never to late to reach out for help and recover. There is no shame in asking for help. The quicker that help is sought out the better chance at achieving a long, meaningful recovery.

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