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Texas Puts Ban on K2 and Other Addictive Drugs Found in Public Places

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Texas Puts Ban on K2 and Other Addictive Drugs Found in Public Places

On April 20th the Texas Department of State Health Services announced that they are banning K2 and Spice, two products which provide similar effects to marijuana. With the new law that is passed it is illegal to manufacture, distribute, posses and sell K2 or Spice. If found guilty of any of the above and individual will be charged with a Class A or Class B misdemeanor.  In March the US Drug Enforcement Agency took similar action by banning the key ingredients that produce the marijuana like effects found in K2 and Spice. K2 and Spice is becoming a growing problem across the country as individuals are able to purchase these drugs legally. In addition they do not show up on drug tests and individuals who struggle with substance abuse or are on probation are able to continue to fuel their addiction easily. Texas is not the first state to make laws in an attempt to control the distribution of these dangerous substances. K2 and Spice are two relatively new drugs that individuals are using as a substitute to other illegal drugs. Unfortunately the country is quickly learning that abusing drugs like K2 and Spice can be deadly as more reported deaths related to the drugs have been reported. Drug abuse is a problem that is not just going to go away and it isn’t likely that will and determination will be enough to overcome addiction. If you are in the Texas area and struggle with addiction help is available through drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers.

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