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Methadone Treatment Can Open Up Another Can of Worms

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Methadone Treatment Can Open Up Another Can of Worms

An individual trying to “kick” an opiate addiction with the use of Methadone is a story that is becoming more and more common. The problem is that Methadone is just as addictive and can lead to the same consequences as any other drug. Methadone overdoses are increasing throughout the country and according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services between the years 2000-2007 the distribution of methadone has risen more the 160 percent.  In 2009 the Government Accountability Office noted that the increase in methadone abuse is largely due to its increase in use for the purpose of pain management. In the year 2007 in the state of Florida alone there were over 1000 overdoses that were methadone related. The best way to overcome an addiction to opiates or any other drug is to become completely abstinent.  Not to substitute one drug for another. In order to do this there needs to be a change in an individual’s thinking and behavior. Addiction treatment can help a struggling alcoholic or drug addict make these changes so that they can go on to lead a productive life that is free of chemical dependency. While methadone may provide relief to other addictions using it is likely to open up another can of worms as far as addiction is concerned. Besides that the physical and mental withdrawals that come along with methadone are extremely severe making it extremely difficult for an individual to free themselves from the potent drug. An individual who struggles with addiction has options.  One of the options that they have to become completely free of chemical dependency is to go to addiction treatment. During the time spent in quality a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center both the physiological and psychological aspect of addiction will be addressed making it very possible for an individual to achieve long term abstinence from chemical dependency.

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