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Substituting Methadone For Other Drugs In Michigan Is A Dangerous Pitfall

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Substituting Methadone For Other Drugs In Michigan Is A Dangerous Pitfall

Michigan like many other locations across the country is experiencing a drastic rise in addiction to prescription painkillers. Unfortunately in Michigan the number of individuals who are receiving state-paid methadone treatment continues to rise. Many view methadone as a way of getting an opiate addiction under control but the hard truth is that methadone is yet another drug that is highly addictive and can easily lead an individual down the same bumpy road that OxyContin or heroin does. The detoxification from methadone is extremely difficult and painful if not done properly making it difficult to become free of its dependency. It is not uncommon to hear of an individual attempting to become free from the grips of methadone only to succumb to it because the detoxification is too difficult to manage. A detoxification that is medically supervised will help its patients get through the initial stages of recovering from addiction. Methadone addiction can be so debilitating that without professional help it can be nearly impossible to become free from addiction. Substituting one drug for another is no way to overcome addiction. The best and most efficient way to stop an addiction to drugs or alcohol is to become completely abstinent from all drugs and alcohol. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation will address both the physiological and psychological aspects of addiction and help to avoid the pitfalls of substituting one drug for another.

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