Parents Can Play Role In Preventing Addiction

Parents Can Play Role In Preventing Addiction Alcohol abuse and drug addiction commonly starts before the age of 18. There have been numerous efforts made by the U.S. government to decrease the amount of underage drinking. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University state that these efforts are less effective then

One More Reason Not to Use Cocaine

As if cocaine wasn’t bad enough now it can cause a condition called purpura which are areas of dead skin that are crusty, purplish in color, extremely painful and capable of causing bad infections. The reason why cocaine is causing purpura is that it is commonly contaminated with levamisole, a de-worming drug that is used

Dealing with Opiate Addiction in Grand Rapids, Michigan

In Grand Rapids, Michigan so many people are in need of drug rehab for opiate addiction that it is putting a strain on the budget that the state had allocated to help individuals overcome addiction

Methadone Treatment Can Open Up Another Can of Worms

An individual trying to “kick” an opiate addiction with the use of Methadone is a story that is becoming more and more common. The problem is that Methadone is just as addictive and can lead to the same consequences as any other drug.

Substituting Methadone For Other Drugs In Michigan Is A Dangerous Pitfall

Substituting methadone for other opiates like OxyContine or heroin is dangerous and likely to lead an individual down the same bumpy road. Substituting one drug for another will likely just cause an addiction to another drug. Alcohol and drug rehab is the best way to become completely free of chemical dependency.