Alcohol use disorder, which many refer to when talking about alcoholism, is a very real, very common addiction. It affects the user and, by extension, the people around them. This disease progresses slowly, but there is a way out. So, what is alcoholism and how can you or a loved one stop the vicious cycle
alcohol addiction
What Are The Stages Of Alcoholism?
When people talk about alcohol dependence, it generally sounds like an all or nothing problem. You’re either completely suffering from the disease or it doesn’t affect you at all. A closer look at the condition reveals that this isn’t true. In fact, there are three recognizable stages of alcoholism. First Things First: Defining Alcoholism and
Why Alcohol Dependence Is Hard to Overcome
Alcoholism is one of the most dangerous addictions. Oftentimes, people minimize the epidemic of alcoholism because there’s so much media attention around the opioid problem in the United States. Alcohol-related accidents and fatalities are still one of the leading killers in the United States. Many times this is because someone has an alcohol dependence that they
What Is Alcohol and Why Is It Addictive?
Have you ever wondered, “What is alcohol exactly?” It’s such a common substance that it’s sold at every gas station, liquor store, grocery store, bars and many restaurants – so what is it, anyway? You may hear stories about how people become addicted to alcohol, but may not completely understand why it happens. People drink
These Alcohol Facts May Surprise You
For as long as alcohol has been around, there have been those who struggle with alcoholism. In today’s world, it’s not always easy to know who is suffering from alcoholism, and the following alcohol facts might surprise you. Alcoholism only affects a small portion of people in the world, but it’s important to know how
Is It Easy to Quit Drinking?
Trying to quit drinking is one of the most difficult things anyone can do. If you’re struggling with alcoholism, it’s common to feel hopeless and powerless in the situation. No matter how bad a person wants to quit, they often find themselves stopping to buy liquor and getting drunk again. When an alcoholic drinks, they
Can You Recognize Signs of Addiction?
Drug or alcohol addiction is a terrible way to live. Getting that next fix or drink is always on the mind of the addicted individual. No matter how hard this person tries to keep his or her personal nightmare a secret from others, telltale signs begin to emerge. Watching for the following signs of addiction
Holiday and Alcohol Addiction Triggers
Now that the holidays are here more of us are getting invited and attending different holiday parties where alcohol is a part of the celebration. We cannot avoid all parties that alcohol may be at, so it is important to have a plan of action if you feel temptation creeping up. Our brains are really
Welfare Drug Testing In Florida Stopped. What About Stopping Addiction?
A law recently passed by the state of Florida to drug test welfare recipients before receiving welfare checks has been stopped as it may be violating a persons constitutional rights.
A Top Ten List Why You Shouldn’t Drink Alcohol
The negative affects that alcohol can have on a persons life are endless and what can start off as casual use can quickly turn into alcohol addiction if a person is not careful.