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Krokodil is an Old Drug That is Beginning to Cause New Problems

First produced nearly a decade ago Krokodil is a drug that is becoming more popular in Europe and the possibility of it migrating to the United States is alarming.

Give an Aftercare Plan a Chance

In order to stay sober after addiction treatment is complete it is necessary to follow the aftercare plan that was put together by the addiction professionals and therapists that work in an addiction treatment program.

One More Reason Not to Use Cocaine

As if cocaine wasn’t bad enough now it can cause a condition called purpura which are areas of dead skin that are crusty, purplish in color, extremely painful and capable of causing bad infections. The reason why cocaine is causing purpura is that it is commonly contaminated with levamisole, a de-worming drug that is used

Easy Access Makes Prescription Painkillers Drug Of Choice

Prescription drugs are quickly becoming the drug of choice among young adults partly because they are easy to get a hold of partly because of the increasing potency of the them.

Who Says Marijuana isn’t Dangerous?

Skunk marijuana in the southeast is becoming so strong it is not being classified as a class B drug leaving many who abuse the potent marijuana seeking out professional help through addiction treatment.

Substituting Methadone For Other Drugs In Michigan Is A Dangerous Pitfall

Substituting methadone for other opiates like OxyContine or heroin is dangerous and likely to lead an individual down the same bumpy road. Substituting one drug for another will likely just cause an addiction to another drug. Alcohol and drug rehab is the best way to become completely free of chemical dependency.

Heroin Use On The Rise In Erie, Pennsylvania Area

Heroin Use On The Rise In Erie, Pennsylvania Area In the Erie region of Pennsylvania heroin abuse is once again on the rise. Packages that consist of one dose of heroin are now being sold between $20-$35. Experts report that younger people are now becoming more involved with the distribution and use of heroin.  In