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Understanding Common Dual Diagnosis Disorders [Infographic]

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There is an undeniable link between mental health conditions and substance abuse. While there are many reasons for this, the primary one is that patients self-medicate. Unfortunately, this tends to make things worse. Identifying dual diagnosis disorders can be the key to recovery.

Nearly 10 Million People in America Have a Severe Mental Illness

Unfortunately, people often ignore the correlation between mental illness and addiction. Some individuals believe that the number of people struggling with a mental illness is small, and therefore not a significant demographic that requires treatment. Unfortunately, that logic is incorrect. Almost 10 million American adults have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness. That number increases further if you include adolescents diagnosed with mental illnesses as well.

Almost Eight Million Americans Have Dual Diagnosis Disorders

This staggering figure estimates how many Americans struggle with both mental health disorders and substance abuse or addiction disorders. Sadly, millions of these individuals won’t get the necessary treatment they need for full recovery. Some will get treatment for a single condition, but not a comprehensive, dual treatment approach.

Exploring Common Dual Diagnosis Disorders

The five most common mental health disorders treated in combination with substance abuse include:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Experiencing Mental Illness Increases the Chance of Substance Abuse

The National Alliance on Mental Illness clearly makes the case that experiencing mental illness, even if it is temporary, increases the likelihood of substance abuse. One out of every three individuals experiencing mental illness also struggles with substance abuse. Mental illnesses can be long-term, but they’re often transient. For example, a person may experience depression after a death in the family or anxiety about an upcoming major life event. These are more temporary states, but they directly correlate to drug and alcohol abuse.

53% of Serious Mental Illness Sufferers also Struggle With Addiction

Serious mental illnesses are defined as life-altering and often permanent. Like temporary mental health conditions, serious mental illnesses increase the likelihood of substance abuse. Sadly, as many as 53% of adults diagnosed with severe mental illness are also diagnosed with substance use disorder. Whether you or someone you care about is struggling with mental health and addiction, dual diagnosis treatment is crucial. At the Stepping Stone Center in Jacksonville, Florida, we help men and women with co-occurring disorders achieve lasting recovery. Contact us today at 866-957-7298 to learn more about our individualized treatment programs and to start working toward sobriety, health, and happiness.

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