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Why the Real Work Begins in an Aftercare Program

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It’s often said that getting sober is a lot easier than staying sober, and most people suffering from the disease of addiction know this to be true. Many individuals who come to treatment have either been to treatment before or have tried to get sober on their own. The key to staying sober is following your aftercare plan so you can continue to get the treatment and support that you need as you transition back into your normal life. Dealing with life on life’s terms can be difficult for many people in early recovery, which is why it’s so important to follow through with an aftercare program.

Support Through the Treatment Center

While in treatment, you’ll be encouraged and given suggestions to rebuild relationships with your family. The more your family understands about the disease of addiction, the more support they can be to you once you leave treatment. If your family wants to get involved in the healing process more, there are options for family counseling as well as 12-step fellowships that have helped many loved ones of people who struggle with addiction. The 12-step fellowship of Al-Anon was created by the wives of the original members of Alcoholics Anonymous, and it’s based around the same ideas of the original 12-step fellowship.

Having a Strong Support System

Not only is your family a key part of your aftercare program, but it’s also important to stay connected to others who have gone through treatment. Alumni are always encouraged to get involved in the aftercare program because it’s comforting to be around others who are early in recovery. When you get sober, it’s of the utmost importance to remember that you haven’t been able to get sober or stay sober on your own, so you must rely on others to be there for you when you’re feeling down. You’ll also find that you’ll be able to be there for others when they’re dealing with troubling times in early recovery.

12-Step Fellowships for an Aftercare Program

The best way to stay sober once you leave treatment is to rely on 12-step fellowships as part of your aftercare program. Whether you decide to go to Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or another fellowship of your choosing, it’s important to get involved and attend meetings. When you go to meetings, you’ll be able to hear people share their experience, strength, and hope. Some who attend meetings have been sober for years, and it’s beneficial to take their suggestions to help you in your own recovery. Leaving treatment can be a scary thought because you’ve had a safety net, but Stepping Stone Center for Recovery wants you to feel confident when you leave. Through the alumni program, as well as a strong aftercare plan, you’ll see that you can successfully maintain your sobriety once you leave. Call Stepping Stone Center for Recovery today at 866-957-4960 for more information.

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