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Category: Drug & Alcohol Rehab

The Prevalence of Business Professional Addiction

For many years, there has been an assumption that drug addiction was the purview of degenerates. When asked to picture a drug user, people might conjure up an image of someone in an alleyway or dirty room, passed out on the floor. Someone who is poor and desperate enough to steal for their addiction. Someone…

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5 Things to Look for in Alcoholism Treatment Centers

Given the serious nature of dealing with addiction, it becomes absolutely necessary for those individuals who are afflicted with addiction to be diligent when trying to find a way out from under the thumb of drugs and/or alcohol. In most cases, the only viable solution is going to be through the full continuum of care…

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Why is Heroin Addiction Recovery Often So Challenging?

Addiction can take many forms. Regardless of the type of addiction, the afflicted individual often finds themselves dealing with an overwhelming list of personal and physical problems. With that said, there is something particularly insidious about heroin and opiate addiction. The Dangers of Heroin Addiction There are two aspects of heroin that make it one…

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12 Steps, One Giant Disappointment? Legitimate Alcoholic Treatment Starts with Detox

In recent years, far too many people have had to learn the hard way that alcoholism is always a downward spiral. Once the disease takes hold of one’s body and soul, the only realistic way back from personal devastation and destruction is through alcoholic treatment from a professional drug and alcohol rehab facility. Trying Other…

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Why is Alcohol Detox Instrumental to Recovery?

Detoxification from alcohol is the first step on the path toward recovery. An alcohol detox means completely stopping the consumption of any alcohol, which can be a challenging process. Withdrawal symptoms may be physical as well as psychological, so it’s important that alcohol detox is performed in a licensed treatment center. Although alcohol detox can…

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The Willingness to Change is a Key Ingredient to a Successful Recovery from Drugs and Alcohol

Recovery from drugs and alcohol may seem impossible, but millions of people around the world have discovered that they can overcome their addiction. Not only can they overcome their addiction to drugs or alcohol, but they can also go on to live incredible lives. Many people who have been able to overcome their addiction to…

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The Importance of a Support System in Maintaining Sobriety

The key to maintaining sobriety once treatment is completed by sticking with a support group. While you’re in treatment, you’ll begin to see the value of a support system. Although your one-on-one sessions with a therapist are very beneficial, it’s important to see that you’re not alone in your struggles with addiction. You’ll meet others who…

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I Went to Rehab for a Drug Addiction, Can I Drink Alcohol?

Drug addiction is a very cunning disease, and it’s the only disease where the mind doesn’t want you to get better. Whether you were abusing prescription painkillers, benzodiazepines, meth, heroin, cocaine or any other drug, drug addiction affects everyone in the same way. While you’re in treatment, not only will you be receiving different types…

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Five Popular Myths About Addiction That Hinder Recovery

When it comes to recovery, myths about addiction can be stumbling blocks for patients as well as their families. Many myths may have some small basis in facts or anecdotal evidence, but some are entirely false, posing a serious threat to those interested in recovery. By exploring five of the most common addiction myths; patients and…

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