Deadly Happy Pill Epidemic in Women

closeup of person pouring pills from prescription bottle into upturned palm

Deadly Happy Pill Epidemic in Women When you think of health risks for women in the United States, the first thing that comes to mind may be cancer. You may not think of prescription drug addiction and overdose, but maybe you should. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that more women died

Breaking Bad: A Glimpse into the World of Crystal Meth

closeup of an eye looking through a peephole

AMC’s “Breaking Bad” has taken the nation by storm. The show has offers a glimpse into the dark and gritty world of crystal meth. Creator Vince Gilligan created a story and characters that are complex and frightening and crystal meth is at the center of it all. Art Imitating Life From the beginning of the

U.S. Domestic Violence Centers and Shelters

a distraught woman in front of a dryer with clothing spilling out demonstrating the dangers of domestic abuse

Domestic violence can happen to any person, at any time. While statistics show that a majority of victims are women, individuals of all ages, races, sexual orientation and socioeconomic statuses are affected. Men are also victims of domestic violence and often suffer similar physical and mental injuries inflicted by another person. Most people think about

Coping with Suicide in Recovery

distraught young woman squatting next to wall with her head in her hands

You spent years numbing yourself from the emotional pain, anger or anxiety. Although you thought using alcohol and drugs was a good way to deal with or rather NOT deal with these feelings, it really wasn’t. Reality showed a completely different picture and it was difficult for everyone around you to watch the chaos. Now