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Long Term Drug Rehab is better for Recovery

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Long Term Drug Rehab is better for Recovery

long term drug rehab
Long Term Rehab has a Higher Success Rate
Many addicts make the decision to turn their lives around and seek treatment from a drug rehab center. The common length of stay at an addiction treatment is usually 30 days, but can an addict resolve their addiction in a month’s time? The truth is that it differs based on the addict as well as their circumstances. An addict may flourish at a 90 day treatment program whereas others may do better in a long term rehab program. According to Dr. David Sack from Psych Central, research shows that spending more time in a treatment program has shown a significantly lower relapse rate. Receiving longer drug treatment is beneficial for many reasons. If the addict needs to go through detox, it may take a significant amount of time to rid their body of toxins. The amount of time that an addict needs to get clean via detox may vary depending on their previous drug usage. Being in a long term drug rehab program will allow the addict to detox safely and give them ample time to address the underlying issues that caused them to begin using in the first place. An extended stay in addiction treatment gives the patient more time to practice new coping skills while still in a sober environment. A relapse prevention plan will be tailored to suit the patient’s needs when returning home. Although long term drug rehab may not be suitable for everyone, treatment is beneficial for all drug addicts. Call us at 1-866-841-2789 to speak with an addiction specialist today. Entering drug rehab will eliminate substance abuse and help you get your life back on the right track.

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