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Liquid Courage Can Ruin Your Social Life

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Liquid Courage Can Ruin Your Social Life

Social Drinking Alcohol
Alcohol gives us a False Sense of Courage
There are times when we drink alcohol in social situations. For every drink we consume, we gain “liquid courage” as it makes us more socially outgoing and braver. We may approach the person we have been checking out from across the room, or we may get up and dance or get on stage to sing karaoke. We become the life of the party. However, there are some of us that can’t seem to get into the party spirit without drinking in excess. So how do you know if your social drinking has crossed the line? Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you drink when no one else is drinking?
  2. Do you feel that you can only have fun when you are drinking?
  3. Do you drink to get drunk?
  4. Are you blacking out or don’t remember parts of your night because you drank yourself into a stupor?
  5. Are you always nursing a hangover the next day every time you hang out with friends?
  6. Do your friends have to take care of you at parties and gatherings? Are you getting yourself into trouble (fighting, getting sick, losing inhibitions, driving drunk)?
  7. Are people avoiding you at gatherings or not inviting you to parties because you’re a “messy” drunk and unpredictable?

If you feel like you can’t enjoy yourself at a party without getting drunk, then you may have a problem with alcohol. Stepping Stone Center’s addiction specialists know what you are going through and can help you get over the hurdle of addiction. Not sure yet? Do you think I’m overreacting about your drinking? Share your thoughts with others on our Facebook page.

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