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Watch Your Drinks Ladies!

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Watch Your Drinks Ladies!

Women Victims of Drugs
Victim’s Drink was Spiked by the Bartender
It’s scary to think that someone would try to spike your drink with drugs. Numerous news reports have broadcasted the dangers and often time fatal results of women falling victim to being drugged. For one concert going woman, she almost fell victim to someone’s drug scheme. The bartender Alex Barnhart, a 27 year old from Ohio, admitted to dropping LSD in this woman’s drink at a concert. Luckily for the woman, a bystander saw Barnhart drop something into her drink. The witness reported that the object dropped in her beer was a small piece of paper or cardboard. She alerted the woman and they both approached the bartender. They found a partly dissolved LSD tab. Barnhart was arrested and was found in possession of LSD. To make matters worse, he tested positive for LSD. When we are under the influence of drugs, we have given up all control to the drugs we are using at that time. If you feel that you are doing things out of character due to drugs, then drugs may have taken over your life. At Stepping Stone Center, staff will assist you in breaking away from the dependence of drugs. Call us today at 866-841-2789 and begin the road to recovery.

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