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Surviving Stigma in Addiction

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Surviving Stigma in Addiction

Addiction Treatment
Stigma Traps You in Addiction.
According to a study published in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, privately insured addicts are less likely to receive addiction treatment. Three possible reasons for the lack of treatment are:

  • Private insurance restrictions on entering treatment.
  • Privately insured individuals have less severe problems with drugs and alcohol.
  • Stigma attached to seeking treatment.

For some people, the stigma associated with treatment may be the most likely reason that people with private insurance did not seek addiction treatment. Addiction levels out the playing field, affecting everyone equally, whether insured or uninsured. People with Medicaid or Medicare are usually waitlisted and do not receive treatment immediately. People with private insurance do not have as many restrictions. Although stigma exists for the insured and uninsured, it was suggested in the study that privately insured people might be stigmatized and perhaps shunned because of the need for substance abuse treatment. This alone can cause many people to fall deeper into addiction and skip out on the much needed addiction treatment. It is very difficult to admit that you are powerless over your addiction and it may feel like you are the only one who can understand the pain of addiction. At Stepping Stone Center, counselors understand the struggle of addiction and can offer help and comfort to those caught in the trap of drugs and alcohol. Join us on Facebook to share your concerns, fears and hope with others that share your same pain and struggle. You don’t have to walk alone. Stepping Stone Center is here to help you every step of the way.

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