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Finding Residential Treatment For a Drug or Alcohol Addiction

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Struggling with addiction is challenging, but treatment can help patients take control of their lives. Trying to tackle a drug or alcohol addiction cold turkey, and without the help of trained medical professionals, it can be more difficult than it needs to be. Plus, it can often be ineffective. Finding residential treatment can be the key to breaking free from addiction and getting back the lives that patients deserve.

The Risks of Cold Turkey or Home Treatment

It is not uncommon for individuals who struggle with addiction to try to tackle their demons alone, stopping all substance abuse in one fell swoop. While admirable, this cold turkey approach is dangerous and often unsuccessful. From a medical standpoint, there are countless risks involved with a cold turkey detox. Without medical attention, withdrawal symptoms can become incredibly painful, and they may even result in emergency situations like extreme dehydration or rapid heart rates. From a psychological standpoint, tackling withdrawal solo means there will not be the right level of 24/7 support. Without accountability, it will be incredibly difficult not to give in to temptation. Perhaps more importantly, individuals won’t get the counseling and therapy needed to reveal the underlying causes for the addiction, and relapse in the future will be more likely.

The Social, Physical and Psychological Benefits of Residential Treatment

Residential or inpatient treatment is when programs offer accommodation and 24/7 support in addition to regular individual therapies, group counseling, nutrition, and structure. Being out of a tempting environment and in a safe space can make it easier to wipe the slate clean and start over, creating a new lifestyle that is free from addiction and harmful substance abuse. Being in an inpatient program for addiction also gives patients the opportunity to socialize with others who understand their situation. This means the chance to share with fellow patients, learn from one another and re-establish friendships in a secure, protected way. Dual diagnosis and individualized therapy can also treat underlying mental health issues or disorders that may be contributing to substance abuse.

Developing Aftercare Strategies for Lasting Sobriety

Another tremendous benefit of residential programs for addiction treatment is that they will help patients prepare for the real world. Aftercare is what treatment centers use to ensure that patients have the support, resources and ability to embrace a sober lifestyle for the future. Aftercare might be regular 12-step meetings where patients can continue their spiritual journey and maintain meaningful connections. It may also be sober-living facilities or an ongoing relationship with a particular therapist. Aftercare also includes the creation of coping mechanisms and strategies for turning down temptations and relieving stress in a healthy manner. Residential treatment is the preferred way to treat a drug or alcohol addiction, and, more importantly, it offers the lowest potential for future relapse. To begin your journey toward lasting sobriety, call 866-957-4960 to learn more about the Stepping Stone Center for Recovery in Jacksonville, Florida.

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