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It’s Always Possible To Recover From Addiction

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It’s Always Possible To Recover From Addiction

Nothing about addiction is fun. Ask anyone who has been able to survive from it to tell their story. Living a life of addiction is nothing short of a living hell. Waking up in the middle of the night sweating from withdrawals, scrambling around trying to get the next fix and lying to friends and loved ones trying to hide what is really going on is something that no one wants. Addiction will literally make a sane person do insane things. Stories are told of men and women with a good family, good jobs and the seemingly perfect life losing their way in addiction and destroying everything they have worked so hard to build. Addiction can happen in the blink of an eye and no one is above it. When it comes to addiction people are more than capable of convincing themselves that they have control over their life. The tricky part about the disease of addiction is that it is so cunning and deceiving that people can continue to tell themselves that they can control their drug and alcohol use even though they continue to suffer negative consequences from it. Whether it is illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs it doesn’t matter. Addiction will make you lie, cheat and steal and put everything else in life second. It is a powerful disease and left untreated it can lead to death. We hear the stories in the news, about celebrities and regular “average Joe” guys dying from addiction. We hear stories of people killing for the disease and people dying because of their disease. While these stories that we hear on the news may be extreme the fact is that people die from this disease. What’s encouraging is that recovering from addiction is possible. No matter how bad an addiction is recovery can be done with the right help. No one is beyond getting help and getting their life back on track.

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