Am I an Alcoholic?

closeup of woman drinking a glass of beer

Many people struggle with alcohol addiction; however, many people do not know they have a problem with alcohol. Oftentimes the addict will ignore the warning signs or make excuses for their behaviors and the consequences they are experiencing as a result of their drinking. As they continue to drink, the addict falls deeper into addiction

Acts of Desperation Fueled by Alcohol Addiction

two bottles of Listerine on white backdrop

In Wisconsin, a 23-year-old man stole two bottles of mouthwash from a local supermarket, but it wasn’t because he had an urge to keep his breath minty fresh, it was due to an uncontrollable urge to drink. His addiction to alcohol caused him to shoplift and drink an entire bottle of mouthwash, which contains approximately

Drug Rehab Saves Brothers Addicted to Heroin

a heroin spoon bubbling over an open flame small

Drug Rehab Saves Brothers Addicted to Heroin Many drug addicts struggle with taking the crucial step of seeking treatment at a drug rehab center. Some drug addicts spend many years abusing drugs, severing relationships and damaging their bodies before they find the courage to seek treatment. For some addicts, the chains that keep them in

The High Stakes of Addiction

a man and a woman on a couch in couples therapy speaking to a counselor

The High Stakes of Addiction Many people struggle with addiction. Addicts become prisoners to their drug of choice, going through great lengths to attain the next high. Addicts will engage in high risk behaviors and activities that can put them in danger or harm. They believe that they are not affecting anyone; however, everyone close

Lesson on Addiction: Loving your Child to Death

a stack of dollar bills

Lesson on Addiction: Loving your Child to Death Erin Brockovich became well known for being a legal clerk and environmental activist.  Her story about bringing Pacific Gas and Electric to justice for contaminating water affecting a small California town was made into a movie and was nominated for several Academy Awards.  Erin Brockovich accomplished so

5 Self-Esteem Building Skills Taught in Drug Rehab

a counselor leading a group session about self esteem

Webster’s Dictionary defines self-esteem as confidence and satisfaction with oneself. Drug and alcohol addiction causes many addicts to lose their self-esteem through poor choices and judgment. After completing drug rehab, addicts begin to feel better about themselves and, with time and consistency in behavior, self-esteem grows. Self-Esteem Self-esteem is learned and encouraged in childhood through

Quitting Marijuana with Aid

closeup of young man smoking marijuana joint

Quitting Marijuana with Aid Researchers from the University of NSW, Australia, believe that the same inhalant used for multiple sclerosis may be helpful for those who are attempting to terminate their marijuana dependence. Sativex, the inhalant medication, contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), the two main ingredients found in marijuana. Long term marijuana abuse has