Lead Singer for Green Day Checks into Rehab Green Day has given us album after album of rock tunes that defined a generation. Their performances are electrifying and exciting, but at last week’s iHeart Radio music festival in Las Vegas, the audience got more than they bargained for. Lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong went on a furious rant, screaming, cussing and breaking guitars on stage. Soon after the performance, he checked into a rehab center for substance abuse. Although concert sponsor Clear Channel and the festival bigwigs said they had no problem with the singer’s on-stage meltdown, it shocked many. Unfortunately, Armstrong is not the first to perform under the influence or end up in rehab. It’s sad that we almost expect musicians to get mixed up with drugs and alcohol, make a spectacle and land in rehab. Talented performers like Steven Tyler, Keith Urban, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Ozzy Osbourne, Elton John and Eminem have battled addiction. Some have lived to sing another day and some had their voices silenced forever. Armstrong may be out for a while, but he will be receiving the help he has needed for quite some time. The addiction treatment he will receive from rehab and the support of his band mates, family and fans will give Armstrong the tools to return to making amazing music. Don’t let addiction keep you from reaching your potential and halt your personal growth. Call Stepping Stone Center and get back on track to living a sober life.
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