A Lesson on College Drinking
A Lesson on College Drinking
Parents send their children off to college with hopes of the dean’s list, responsible spending, decision making and sobriety. However, the reality for many is quite the opposite. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), four out of five students drink alcohol and nearly half of those drinkers binge drink. With these numbers on the rise, parents need to take action and quickly. More than Words Michael Cleveland, research assistant professor at the Prevention Research Center at Pennsylvania State University conducted a study that followed 1,900 students starting college. They were surveyed about their drinking habits. The parents of these soon-to-be college students were mailed a 22-page manual on general information on college drinking, how to communicate effectively, advice to give their college students and consequences of drinking. The results of showed that college students’ decisions about drinking are influenced by parents. It turns out that knowing how to communicate the facts is just as important at the facts themselves, as well as when you talk to them and how often you bring up the subject. The kids that strategized with their parents about not drinking before they started their freshman year of college were more likely to drink less. Don’t Sit Back, Take Action Parents have a lot to worry about with so many college kids drinking or being affected by others who drink. Instead of hoping that your child thinks twice about drinking, take action. Talk to your college student and help him or her make better decisions. You may be able to prevent your child falling into the trap of addiction and needing alcohol addiction treatment. Your words are not falling on deaf ears. Have you talked to your children about drinking before they go to college? Tell us about your experience below or on Stepping Stone Center’s Facebook page.