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A Journey in Recovery: Two Thumbs Up!

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A Journey in Recovery: Two Thumbs Up!

Roger Ebert died a recovering addict
Roger Ebert: Movie Critic and Recovering Alcoholic

If you grew up in the 70s and the 80s, then you know you couldn’t watch a movie at the theaters before getting the “thumbs up” by famous film critic Roger Ebert. He may have had different film critic partners, but his movie reviews were the staple of his shows. In his later years, Ebert was lauded for his recovery from devastating effects of cancer and its complications, losing his jaw and the ability to speak and eat. Ebert died last week from some of those complications at age 70. His legacy contained more than just movie reviews and a courageous cancer battle: Roger Ebert was a recovering alcoholic for 33 years. The Road to Sobriety In a blog he posted in 2009 called “My Name is Roger and I’m an Alcoholic,” Ebert opened up about his sobriety. He describes the day he poured his last drink and paints a picture of a man tired of the way his life was going. He knew he needed to do something about his drinking problem but thought he could stop drinking on his own. His doctor referred him to an inpatient alcohol rehab facility. Although he chose not to go, a counselor introduced him to Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.). This began his journey, which lasted the rest of his life. One Day at a Time Ebert admitted that willpower wasn’t enough for him. Like many alcoholics, one drink was too many and 1,000 are never enough. He couldn’t control his drinking because he was never in control to begin with. That’s the way the disease of addiction works. It was not an easy road Ebert took, but he succeeded with the fellowship he found in A.A. He found success in his life and in recovery one day at a time. What helped you get sober? Share your thoughts below or on Stepping Stone Center’s Facebook page

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