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Children: The Innocent Victims of Drug Addiction

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When drug addicts use their drug of choice, they are lost in a euphoric world that is completely disconnected from reality. In this drug haze, they feel no pain, they have no appetite and they are detached from their emotions. Children who grow up such a drug-filled environment end up with a distorted perception of what home life is supposed to be like. For the children of drug addicts, life is all about survival.

How Children are Affected by Addicted Parents

Children of drug-addicted parents have to endure a lot. Abuse, neglect and dangerous living conditions are just some of the things these children have to deal with on a daily basis. With such horrible conditions and mistreatment come severe consequences. Children of addicted parents may experience a slew of problems such as:

  • Behavioral Problems
    • Attention-seeking behavior
    • Self-mutilation
    • Aggression
    • Isolation
  • Medical Problems
    • Frequent illness due to malnutrition or lack of care
    • Injury due to lack of supervision or unsafe environment
    • Birth defects
    • Alcoholism and drug abuse
  • Psychiatric Problems
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    • Oppositional Defiant Disorder/Conduct Disorder
  • Educational Problems
    • Learning disabilities
    • Repeating grades
    • Truancy
    • Dropping out of school due to pregnancy, expulsion or institutionalization
  • Emotional Problems
    • Shame
    • Anger
    • Fear/Mistrust
    • Insecurity

With minimal care from their parents, children of drug addicts learn to cope with many different problems as best they can. They use coping skills to survive their difficult childhoods. However, these coping skills may not be positive. Not receiving any counseling to help with these issues can cause children to experience many problems as they grow up. In fact, children of drug-addicted parents are at high risk of having problems with alcohol and drugs due to their environment and genetics. They also have a higher risk of engaging in criminal activity. These children fight an uphill battle with many obstacles blocking their way to a successful and happy life. Unfortunately, much of it is at the hands of their parents. Although their parents may have good intentions and want to be loving and caring, their drug addiction takes priority.

What’s the Next Step?

Putting your children second to your drug addiction can have negative consequences. Your children will suffer and may lead to dysfunctional lives once they grow up. If you or someone you know is abusing drugs, children may be suffering. Stepping Stone Center can help you end the cycle of pain and addiction in drug and alcohol rehab. Our knowledgeable staff will provide quality care that helps you with your addiction. You will learn coping strategies to help you stay free of drugs. Show your children that you care, seek addiction treatment. Call Stepping Stone Center at866-957-4960 for immediate admission to our rehab and make the change today. Your children will thank you for it.

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