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Alcohol Ice cream

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That’s right, ice cream infused with alcohol. As if sellers have not made alcohol super interesting already with bright colored canned caffeine/alcohol products for our youth to experiment with. Now, this doesn’t seem so bad for those who don’t suffer from alcoholism but the idea that alcohol has been made more inviting and accessible is daunting. You may find ice cream names such as Pink Squirrel, Grasshopper and Brandy Alexandra, and popsicles with names such as Cosmopolitan and Margarita soon to be in your local supermarket. The manufacturer, SnowBar Desserts, claims that their desserts taste like cocktails. Another insight is that there will be the equivalent to one light beer in every serving. Signs on the package will have the no 21 under logo just to make sure the cashiers don’t sell it to minors. Many articles on the web are making statements such as “don’t lick and drive”, “wait and see if you are able to drive after eating a popsicle”,  but the truth is that addicts will find ways to make using this form of alcohol acceptable. It is always interesting to see how the media uses someone’s addiction to minimize or make light of alcohol consumption. The truth is that if you are in recovery you should stay away from this product. It is not just alcohol flavored ice cream, but actually alcohol-infused ice cream.

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