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Shamokin, Pennsylvania Bans the Sale of Bath Salts

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Shamokin, Pennsylvania Bans the Sale of Bath Salts

On Monday night the Shamokin City Council approved the first reading of an ordinance that prohibits the use, sale or possession of synthetic drugs and on April fourth the County made the sale of bath salts illegal. Bath salts is a relatively new substance that individuals are using to get “high”. Many addicts who are on probation for one reason or another are using these bath salts to get high as they will not show up in the random drug tests administered to them. Drug addiction whether it is to bath salts or something like heroin or cocaine is very hard to control and many addicts die from the disease even though they made countless attempts made to get clean on their own. While City Council’s like Shamokin, Pennsylvania can take action to try to prevent drug abuse if an individual wants to abuse drugs not much is going to stop them. People don’t start using drugs thinking I am going to be controlled every waking moment of my life by my drug of choice. People today are more inclined to go to a drug addiction treatment program because of someone else telling them to go rather than it being their own choice. Drug addiction is powerful as it changes how someone thinks and feels. It causes mood swings, depression, anxiety and domestic violence.  These negative behaviors need to be changed and the most successful method is to get into a drug addiction treatment.  Change is almost impossible without professional support.

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