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Relapse Prevention Means Being Good to Yourself

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Relapse Prevention Means Being Good to Yourself

Everyone who is in recovery from drug addiction or alcohol abuse should go to twelve step meetings as well as work through the twelve steps with a sponsor.  While working with a sponsor and going to twelve step meetings are essential here are 10 tips that can benefit an individual’s recovery:

  1. Get some exercise. Even if it’s a light walk exercising two or three times a week is great for the mind. On top of that it will make you feel good about yourself.
  2. Make sure you get enough rest at night. A recovering addict who is constantly tired could find themselves walking on shaky ground.
  3. Get a hobby! Whether your hobby is reading, writing, hiking, playing a sport…it doesn’t matter.
  4. It’s okay to enjoy some down time. A lot of people in recovery think it’s essential to stay busy from morning until night. There is nothing wrong with relaxing in front of the television for an hour or two.
  5. Make sure not to isolate. Its okay to relax for a bit in front of the television (as mentioned in tip #4) but many addicts relapse as a result of spending too much time by themselves.
  6. Ignore the relapse rates. You only have to go one for one.
  7. Make sure you take care of yourself mentally. Don’t be ashamed to work with a therapist or spiritual counselor.
  8. Help someone out who is in recovery. Remember you have to give away what was given to you.
  9. Try to eat healthy. Of course treat yourself to your favorite treats but you would be surprised how good you can feel if you eat well. Be good to your body.
  10. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Just because you are in recovery doesn’t mean that you can’t mistakes. Just don’t pick up a drink or drug!!

Recovering from alcohol and drug abuse is not easy. Make sure you treat yourself and your body well and with respect.

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