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How Should I Prepare Myself for Alcohol Addiction Therapy?

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According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are 16.3 million adults in the United States struggling with alcohol abuse, and more than 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes annually. Chances are many of those people never even sought alcohol addiction therapy. These staggering statistics are often enough to convince people that they need targeted treatment to break free from alcoholism. However, there may still be a fear of the unknown. Here are some of the key ways to prepare for alcohol addiction therapy.

Choose the Right Alcohol Addiction Therapy

The first way to prepare for a successful alcohol addiction therapy is by choosing the right facility and type of therapy to meet your needs. Individual behavioral therapy is the most common type of therapy for most types of addiction, so patients should expect regular one-on-one time with a trained therapist or counselor. Therapy could include uncovering underlying trauma or dealing with past events, and patients should try to mentally prepare for discussing tougher topics. The best alcohol addiction therapy programs will also include group therapy or group counseling. Often, this is the hardest type of therapy for patients’ comfortability, because it involves sharing with a group rather than just a single trained professional. However, group therapy can be instrumental to successful sobriety.

Commit Fully to Alcohol Addiction Therapy

Therapy—and any related addiction treatment methods—can actually be effective whether patients choose to voluntarily, or through family or legal coercion. However, patients may have a more pleasant time overall if they commit fully to the treatment’s duration.  Understand that for the next 30 or 60 days, your goals will be:

  • Getting help
  • Taking advantage of available resources
  • Establishing healthy habits
  • Committing to living a healthier, happier life.

Handle Any Logistics in Advance

Handling any logistical issues in advance is important for behavioral therapy preparation. If you’re worried about things at home left unfinished or unattended, your mind may not be entirely focused during therapy. Things to handle in advance, if at all possible, include the following:

  • Setting up autopay bill payments
  • Canceling or subletting apartment leases
  • Paying any outstanding debts
  • Letting close friends and family know you’ll be unavailable for a while
  • Quitting or taking a sabbatical from any employment

If you’re ready to take the next step and commit to a successful alcohol addiction program, Stepping Stone Center for Recovery can help. Call 866-957-4960 for more on preparing for therapy, the admissions process and how to get on the path to sobriety today.

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