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This Isn’t Your Parents Marijuana

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This Isn’t Your Parents Marijuana

The potency of marijuana is at an all time high. What was once viewed as a drug that was natural and harmless is being viewed much differently today. The average amount of THC, the psychoactive ingredient, which is found in marijuana today, has more than doubled in the last twenty five years. The rise in amount of THC that is found in marijuana is raising concerns for young people who use the drug as it can cause psychological and health issues as well as a dependency to more lethal drugs such as cocaine and heroin. The government attributes the increase in strength of marijuana to more sophisticated growing techniques. What used to be a drug that was grown/produced outside is now being grown inside under a very controlled environment where the grower can really influence the strength by using various growing techniques. Studies show that young adults who struggle with depression are twice as apt to have used marijuana. An individual who uses marijuana increases the likelihood of struggling with other mental disorders later on their life. It is not uncommon to have individuals go to addiction treatment for marijuana addiction. While marijuana may not be as dangerous as heroin or cocaine many people lead a life that is dependent on the drug. Abusers of marijuana can easily reach a point where they feel they cannot function if they don’t have the drug in their system. Even though there are not physical withdrawals to stopping marijuana abuse there will undoubtedly be psychological withdrawals. Withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, depression, irritability, lack of appetite, headaches and of course cravings for the drug. Marijuana is a very real addiction that needs very real attention. Like other drugs that are abused and require professional attention, some people who struggle with marijuana addiction will need professional help and guidance in order to stop the cycle of abuse.

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