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Celebrities in Handcuffs

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The famous drink and drive, too. They also don’t always get off easy. Most recently, the spotlight shone a bit brighter on five names for the wrong reasons. Bass player Todd Harrell. On Friday night, police in Tennessee arrested Harrell, bassist for 3 Doors Down, for more than driving under the influence—he’s facing vehicular homicide charges, too. After drinking hard cider and taking Lortab and Xanax, Harrell got into his car and sped down the road. He sideswiped a pickup truck, sending it down an embankment and killing the driver. When authorities searched Harrell, they found Xanax, oxycodone and oxymorphone pills. He was also charged with bringing controlled substances into the jail. Harrell was released on bond April 23 and checked into a drug rehab facility. Sportscaster Al Michaels. Also on Friday night, Al Michaels was pulled over by police in California after making an illegal U-turn. He failed the sobriety tests and Santa Monica police arrested him for suspicion of driving under the influence. The Santa Monica police department doesn’t release the blood alcohol concentration of arrests made for suspicion of driving under the influence. However, the vehicle code used in the police report classified Michaels as having a level of 0.08 or higher. Michaels is scheduled to appear in court June 26. Hollywood agent Jim Toth and his wife, actress Reese Witherspoon. Known for being married to Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon, Toth and his wife shared the backseat of a Georgia state trooper’s car on Friday. Toth was driving erratically when the trooper pulled the couple over. After Toth failed sobriety tests and registered 0.139 on the breathalyzer, cuffs were locked around his wrists. Witherspoon, also intoxicated, wasn’t quite as she watched her husband getting arrested. The trooper saw her hanging out the window and told her to stay in the car, but she let herself out. He arrested her for disorderly conduct. Comedian Kevin Hart. Earlier in the month,  Hart sped and weaved in and out of traffic in Los Angeles. When he pulled over for police, he seemed to be intoxicated. Hart took the sobriety tests, and sure enough, failed. Police arrested him. People of all ages look up to celebrities. Do you think the example they set when drinking alcohol and driving affects the choices of young admirers? Share your thoughts below or on our Facebook page.

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