LifeLine Connection Stepping Stone Center
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Welcome to Our Fall
Alumni Newsletter!
Joanna Painton-Hathaway

Fall is marked with a change in temperature as we watch the leaves change to beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. Just as the season is changing, so are we in our path of recovery.

As a tree sheds its leaves in the fall to make room for new growth, we in recovery can also shed our old lifestyle to make room for new growth. In recovery, it is imperative to remove unhealthy people, places and things from our lives for us to be successful. Through this process we are able to form new healthier relationships and patterns that will help us have a sober and productive life.

In this issue

Stepping Stone Center's Alumni Social Events

On August 29, 2012, we had our first Alumni Friends and Family Dinner. This was the first Alumni Social that was open to friends and family of Stepping Stone graduates. We had a terrific turnout and it was a wonderful opportunity for our alumni who have completed treatment to come back to mix and mingle with those currently in treatment at Stepping Stone.

Alumni Social EventsPlease help us continue to celebrate moving forward in our life of recovery by joining us at our next alumni social, November 15, 2012, from 6-9 p.m. at Stepping Stone. Your presence is proof that treatment and recovery work through good times and bad. Remember, your attendance is a form of service and encouragement to others who are newly sober and clean. If you have more than a year in recovery you may speak to the community, if you wish. Your involvement in alumni events is critical to the ongoing success of our program and for those who have gone through treatment who might need help.

For information about transportation or lodging, please contact our alumni department. RSVPs are requested to ensure everyone has plenty of food. Please call Patti at 1-800-833-9057 or email her at We look forward to hearing from all of you!

The Benefits of Joining Stepping Stone Center's Alumni Program

Our alumni program offers many benefits to help support you in your new life of sobriety. Listed below are the various services we offer our alumni so that support can be both given and received.

  • Follow-Up Phone Calls & Emails
  • Alumni Social Events
  • Education for the Family
  • Resources for All of Your Needs
  • Birthday and Sober Day Recognitions
  • Stepping Stone Center's Alumni Facebook and Google Plus Pages
  • Alumni Speakers Bureau
  • Monthly Webinars
  • Quarterly Newsletters
  • Buddy Program
  • Patient Advocates
  • Onsite Monthly Support Group
    (in Jacksonville )
  • Sober House Connection
"Thoughtful Moments"

Hi, my name is Diane Bethel. I am employed at Stepping Stone Center for Recovery in Jacksonville, Florida, as a mental health technician. I've worked here for approximately five years. I absolutely love my job and the team of professionals I work with. As an employee of Stepping Stone Center for Recovery, I am afforded the opportunity to observe people who come to our facility seeking holistic healing from a threefold dreadful disease of addiction that affects the mind, body and spirit. The irony and blessing of my experience is that I get a chance to be a part of the transformation process of recovery with patients from all walks of life from far and near.

Here at Stepping Stone Center for Recovery, the patients are provided with the tools to assist them in living a life without the use of a mood-altering substance one day at a time. Additionally, working here has allowed me to expand my knowledge in the field of substance abuse. I was also able to go back to school to get a B. S. degree in psychology and a C.A.P. certification. I am so grateful for a company that takes the best interest of their patients as well as staff into consideration.

Today I believe that I live a life of purpose and destiny to help others realize their potential allowing them to be the best possible person they can be without the use of mood-altering substances.

Diane M. Bethel, MHT

Inspiration for Others Can Begin with You and Your Story

Stepping Stone Center for Recovery's Alumni Program believes in the idea of community and helping another stay clean and sober. You can play an important role in helping others stay sober by sharing your own experience, strength, struggles and hopes. Sharing your story might just help another struggling alcoholic or addict to enter or re-enter treatment. It might also give another addict or alcoholic the strength to maintain his or her recovery.

If you would like to share your story, please call Patti Tompkins at 1-800-833-9057 or email her at

Facility Announcements


The following Stepping Stone staff members received rewards:

  • Employee of the Quarter
    • Carlton Smith (mental health technician)
    • Darlene Munley (LPN)
    • Joanna Painton-Hathaway


Dr. Michael Provines welcomed baby ZoƩ Wynn Provines, born on August 9, 2012, at 3:47 a.m. in Chicago. She weighed 5 lbs, 9 oz.

Alumni Announcements
Alumni Announcements

Gary S. celebrated 3 years sober August 15!

Jessica H. celebrated 1 year sober September 28!

Amy G. celebrated 3 years sober September 29!

Congratulations to all!!

Alumni Meetings

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. Alumni, let's support one another!

Alumni group meetings are a time to share your experience, strength and hope with fellow alumni of SSCR. We encourage our newest alumni to attend these meetings and meet with other alumni who have put time and effort into their recovery. This is a way to inspire, motivate and support one another in maintaining abstinence. Sharing our journey in recovery, including the ups and down of living, provides each of us with a different perspective and the hope to keep moving forward as recovering addicts and alcoholics. Whatever your sobriety date is, come join your fellow alumni as we travel the road of recovery!

Jacksonville, Florida

We meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Lakeview Health North (in the game room) from 7-8 p.m.

Lakeview's address is:

1900 Corporate Square Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32216

Please join us on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, October 24th**
  • No November Meeting
  • Wednesday, December 19th**

**Starbuck's coffee and sweet treats will be provided.

"Spotlight" Featured Alumni

1. Name & age
Freddie M. 58 years old

2. What is your sober/clean date?
January 4, 2009.

3. What are you recovering from?
Heroin and alcohol addiction

4. Why did you decide to go to an inpatient treatment program?
I decided to go to treatment because I was tired of living the way I was living. The decision to go to treatment was made by my church family, my family, and me.

5. What did you learn about yourself and your disease while you were at SSCR?
Negative Consequences:

  • D.U.I., New Year's Eve 2008.
  • Removal from prison ministry
  • Removal from deaconship in the church
  • Removal from the choir

What I really learned about myself in treatment was my total self-centeredness, and in order to start the recovery process I must listen, and stop thinking I know everything. I was very close-minded and needed to become open-minded.

6. While in treatment you were introduced to the idea of changing people, places and things. What changes have you had to make on your journey of recovery?
The most important change that I made in recovery was the changing of people, places and things that would harm or put my recovery in jeopardy.

7. How do you maintain your sobriety today?
I maintain my sobriety today by having worked the 12 steps with a sponsor. Attending the Celebrate Recovery Program, and working their 12 steps and 8 principles. I go to meetings, I have a home group, and a service position at my home group. I have an awesome network of positive people who want nothing but the best for me. Another important part of my recovery is not taking on more than I should.

8. What would you say to someone to help them make the decision to go to inpatient treatment?
I would tell them my story and how inpatient treatment helped save my life. In my life before inpatient treatment, I cared nothing about my family and friends nor myself. My whole life was centered around nothing but using, in the end, that did not even work anymore.

9. Give an example of a situation you have done differently since maintaining your recovery.
At this time in my life, relations with my wife and 16-year-old daughter are being restored. I still attend the same church, and they welcomed me back with open arms, and love. Before I would have never gone back because of shame, but recovery taught me to face my wrongs and make amends whenever possible.

Stepping Stone Center for Recovery was indeed a stepping-stone for getting my life in order. After leaving, I have completed Catholic Charities Professional Counselors Education Program, a six-month program. I have just completed my first full-time year at The Catholic University of America, Metropolitan School of Professional Studies. I have my classes for the fall semester 2012, full-time, which starts August 28. My first year at the university, I obtained 4 A's and 4 B's.

Stepping Stone Center for Recovery played an intricate part in my recovery process, in my staying clean, and getting sober. They also were a big plus in my becoming a productive person and citizen in society. They gave me all the information that was needed to be successful in recovery; all I had to do was implement it into my life.

Quote Corner

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."
- George Eliot

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
- Douglas Adams

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
- Marilyn Monroe

Living the Experience: Anonymous Quotes Taken from AA Meetings

"I don't have to listen to the first thought that comes into my mind."

"Life is not a mystery to be solved; rather a journey to be lived."

"Before a dream can come true, there must first be a dream."

"True happiness is found in the journey, not the destination."

"I finally have the freedom of believing that it is all right not to know."

Switching Addictions
Switching Addictions

There are many forms of addiction, such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping and food. We all know it is very difficult to break the pattern of addiction, no matter what it is. Sometimes an addict will switch addictions and not realize it. It is imperative for people, especially those in recovery, to be aware of their addictive traits.

Behaviors such as eating, shopping, gambling and sex can easily become substitute addictions for one another. With addiction you are not in control of your choices due to chemical changes that take place that are both physical and psychological. It is important to be aware of your behaviors and learn to recognize if you are participating in addictive patterns or not. For example, if you are a drug addict in recovery and find yourself shopping to change your feeling or mood, you may be substituting shopping in place of using drugs.

Always keep in mind that just about everything in life has to be approached with moderation, with the exception of a few things. If you feel you are becoming addicted to something and would like to seek help, please call 1-800-833-9057.

Be a Part of Our Alumni Outreach Program

As we continue to grow, we need our alumni to help spread the word about what we offer--a place for people looking to recover from drugs and alcohol. This is a great opportunity to give back and help another find recovery while strengthening your own.

Keeping treatment options available benefits ourselves, our families, our friends and the larger community. Finding a way to live a calm, productive, fulfilling life is needed now more than ever. Times may be troubled, but that does not mean we should give up on ourselves or others. Doing service builds self-esteem and may help save a life. Reach out and spread the word!

If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can help spread the word of recovery, please contact Patti Tompkins at 1-800-833-9057 or email her at

Keys to a
Successful Recovery

Here are some things to remember that will help reinforce your sobriety on a daily basis:

AA/NA Meetings

  • Attend 90 meetings in 90 days to create a healthy habit of meeting attendance.
  • Read the suggested literature of the program.
  • Listen to learn and learn to listen.


  • Find a sponsor that you can call daily and begin the process of forming a healthy relationship or friendship.

Step Work

  • Complete step work to propel your recovery forward, release the secret guilt you carry and provide a road map for daily living. For many years, people have used the steps to maintain sobriety and to continue personal growth.
Buddy Program

This program is designed to connect newly discharged patients with recovering alumni. The buddy system will help those just out of treatment stay focused while building their local support group. If you are interested in becoming a buddy volunteer, you must have at least one year clean and sober, attend meetings and work the 12-step program.

If you are interested, please contact Patti Tompkins at 1-800-833-9057 or email her at

Your participation will help you and others stay clean and sober. "You have to give it away to keep it!"

Alumni Support Services Help Line

Help support long-term recovery and use our Alumni Support Services help line to refer others to Stepping Stone Center for Recovery. If you or someone you know needs help, call the Alumni Support Services at 1-800-833-9057. There are resources available.

Explore The Outdoor