Internet Pharmacies Fueling Prescription Drug Addiction

closeup of hands holding prescription drugs and typing on a computer

In the news, there has been an abundance of attention around social media aiding young people in accessing drugs from overseas. The International Narcotics Control Board describes North America as the world’s largest illicit drug market while Internet pharmacies are a growing threat. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reports that more than 80,000 ‘portal’

“The Devil’s Aspirin”

closeup of 10mg ambien tablet

“The Devil’s Aspirin” The January issue of Marie Claire included an article about a woman who began taking Ambien for sleep deprivation after the birth of her daughter but ended up addicted to it. She describes shame in being addicted to the sleep aide, as it relates to Charlie Sheen rejecting the pill as he

Sex Addiction Revealed in the Movie Shame | Stepping Stone Center

model of human brain with the word sex overlaid

Sex Addiction Revealed in the Movie Shame | Stepping Stone Center The past couple of weeks everyone has been discussing the movie Shame. Shame is about a man who suffers from sex addiction. The film does not glorify sex addiction but gives the viewer the perspective of an addict who is struggling with a true

Pill Heads

glass model of human head with pills where brain should be

Pill Heads An article in the NY Daily News states that prescription drug use has skyrocketed to 430% over the past decade. This number is astronomical as it seems that prescription drugs are the equivalent to taking vitamins in our society. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Tylenol with codeine,

The Never Ending Battle with Addiction

image of a boxer punching in the direction of the camera

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a never ending battle. Even those who have been able to get clean and sober have to take constant action to ensure that their sobriety is their main priority. Stories told of people getting clean and sober, and then relapsing, are endless. Getting and staying sober is not easy.

Legal Stimulant Abuse

closeup of ritalin capsules

Legal Stimulant Abuse In the Washington Post there was an article about the disturbing increasing rates of Ritalin and Adderall use by college students. It is suggested that late night study habits have produced the need for stimulants to assist with students staying awake. There may be a possibility that these drugs aren’t just being

The Two L’s: Love and Lohan

black and white images of the two Ls

The Two L’s: Love and Lohan Recently the tabloids reported that Courtney Love was going to help with Lindsay Lohan’s drug addiction by being her sober coach. Anyone who has been a fan of Courtney Love’s band Hole, knows that Love’s struggle with addiction is a never ending battle.  We’ve all witnessed media programs where

Food and Drugs

woman with chocolate on her face at table covered in half-eaten food

Food and Drugs It is easy to switch addictions from using drugs to indulging with food. The transition is seemingly painless, although the consequences can be similar. Our brain reward system seems to respond in the same way to food as it does to drugs. A psychology study group from Yale University examined the effects